Hack Fantasy X

HACK FANTASY X is a derivative fantasy system of DARK FANTASY X, but one that's more specifically designed to mimic the traits and conceits of "the most popular fantasy roleplaying game." Of course, there are already tons of Microlite 20 (m20) games that do this already. In fact, the original Microlite 20 game was designed specifically to do this. If all you want is a distilled, modern "D&D" experience with an extremely rules lite approach that has the same feel as some of the earliest versions of the game but without all the mechanical wonkiness, you don't need to get it from me. Check out Microlite 20 Purest Essence for the distilled "3e" experience. Interested in seeing a translation of the m20 system to feel like some of the early "D&D" versions? Try Microlite74 (OD&D) or Microlite81 (B/X) to see how most of the old fogeys my age came into the hobby; but with better, more consistent rules. I like all three of those, although in my opinion, the more "Complete" versions of '74 and '81 kind of lost the plot when they became quite long rules-sets with a lot of material. 

So, if all that's available, why do another one of your own? Because; why not? One of the core ethos' of the early days of the hobby was the strong do-it-yourself and customize everything aesthetic associated with the hobby. As many are fond of pointing out, those earliest versions of the game couldn't actually be played as written anyway, so there was always a strong need for referees (as they called GM's back in those days) to have to be developers too, to fill in the missing gaps, or to make the game play more like how he imagined it should play. I don't imagine that many (if any) other game has any interest in my take on an m20 adaptation of the "D&D-style" setting and game, but if I ever want to run one, I can have this as my go-to. I can also use it for my setting remixed projects, like Eberron Remixed, or Golarion Remixed, or anything else that I may (or may not) get around to doing.

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